Events 2005 – 2013
December 2013
Grand Menorah Lighting at The Howard Centre, WGC.
Our Community celebrated its first public Menorah lighting outside the Howard Centre recently to celebrate the festival of Chanukah. The initiative for the event came from our minister, Rabbi Hillel Gruber.
Said Rabbi Gruber, “This Menorah is the ultimate display of joy and unity. The holiday of Chanukah is a festival of victory and celebration for all times, kindling the Menorah each night of the eight day holiday. It contains a universal message for people of all faiths that ultimately good will triumph over evil and freedom over oppression.”
The Community were joined by members of the Welwyn/Hatfield Inter-Faith Forum, of which our synagogue are active members, for the lighting, which attracted a large crowd, quoted in the local newspaper as around 150 people.
The Mayor of Welwyn-Hatfield, Cllr Howard Morgan and Cllr Mandy Perkins represented the Council at the event, at which the many children present were entertained by balloon sorcery and magic tricks from a children’s entertainer.
2013 Matzo Ramble
2012 Purim
2011 Chanucah
2011 Quiz Supper
2010 Garden Party
aHamantaschen and Bagels after the Megillah reading.
aOur traditional supper welcomed the new Chief Executive of the United Synagogue.
aRepeat of the fire risk with games and candle lighting.

aThe Kiddush after the service was multi-flavoured ice cream enjoyed by the kids and their parents.
aTime to walk off the breakfast, this year after Purim as the traditional Pesach ramble could not be done this year. Good weather and ainteresting company.

aOur Hebrew Teacher prepared songs in Hebrew and lead the team of ladies from across Hertfordshire in joyous song.
aThe yearly brain teaser and supper were held at 147 homes around the country. The Best WGC team came in at a creditable 6th.
aA demonstration by the Rebbetzen and a chance to bake your own Chollah was taken up by 15 bakers, mostly female but some amales. The results were delicious.
aMax D came back from Bournemouth to play a wide selection of music and talk about what Jewish Music is.
aAn evening of questions to the Rabbi ranged from Yahrzeit on the second day of a Yom Tov to a discussion on the Tallis.
aOnce again, at risk of breaching fire regulations, children lit about 17 chanukiah and enjoyed donuts as well as creating wonderful aartwork.
aOver 60 regulars and not so regulars came to share a truly delicious sit-down lunch with the Rabbi and Rebbetzen.
aA fascinating review of the antique pottery world.
aA good crowd came to hear how their wedding photos were taken.
aThe day was marked by a mini quiz of photos of Israel – no prizes, just for fun – and supper of Israeli food at the Shul.
aThe traditional Matzo ramble across Hertfordshire was well attended and many crumbs were left to mark the route.
aJill Shaw, the WIZO Financial Representative gave an illustrated talk on WIZO projects in Israel . Of course, tea and cake were served.
aOur guest speaker was Dr Simon Hochhauser, the President of the United Synagogue and an audience of 40 enjoyed the speech and athe supper.
aWIZO devised a quiz to be answered at home over supper. Three homes in WGC played from a total of 150 UK wide and one of us amanaged to come FOURTH.
aOur younger crowd at the Stevenage Bowl take an evening of fun, gossip and a little exercise.
aWe have started an afternoon of games – Scrabble, cards, Chess, etc. – in the houses of participants. Afternoon tea is included.

aOn Chol HaMoed, we can carry what is essential and food is always essential to the Jew. A gallant band of mixed fitness walkers aventured into the Hertfordshire countryside. After stopping for a late lunch, the group covered 9.3km (nearly 6miles), with an average amoving speed of 3.9km/hr (about 2.5 miles an hour) and were in the fresh air for over 3 bracing hours. Ah, this is the life.
aA delegation from the Lubavitch came to entertain us as part of the aSukkoth party, with songs, dancing and, of course, a word from aour sponsor.